Database of 2329 Experimentally Validated Allergens

BLAST Against AllerBase

A utility to perform BLAST search of your Nucleotide/Protein sequence of choice against Nucleotide/Protein sequences in AllerBase is provided here. Here, a user can upload a saved file of his/her sequence (in FASTA format) or paste the input sequence (FASTA format) and execute BLAST search by selecting the type of input sequence (Nucleotide/Protein) from the Dropdown menu.

The BLAST search is performed by employing the Default E-value cut-off of 0.01. Alternatively, a user can enter E-value of his/her choice in the input space given.

BLAST Nucleotode/Protein Sequence of Your Choice with Nucleotode or Protein sequences in AllerBase:


Default E-value cut-off for BLAST is set at 0.01.


Set E-value of your choice:    

*Input your Nucleotode or Protein sequence (in FASTA format) here:



  Please choose a sequence file (FASTA format):