References/Publications for Western/Immunoblot of Hom s 4

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9806765 FASEB J. 1998 Nov;12(14):1559-69.

Isolation of cDNA clones coding for IgE autoantigens with serum IgE from atopic
dermatitis patients.

Natter S(1), Seiberler S, Hufnagl P, Binder BR, Hirschl AM, Ring J, Abeck D,
Schmidt T, Valent P, Valenta R.

16002733 J Immunol. 2005 Jul 15;175(2):1286-94.

Hom s 4, an IgE-reactive autoantigen belonging to a new subfamily of
calcium-binding proteins, can induce Th cell type 1-mediated autoreactivity.

Aichberger KJ(1), Mittermann I, Reininger R, Seiberler S, Swoboda I, Spitzauer S,
Kopp T, Stingl G, Sperr WR, Valent P, Repa A, Bohle B, Kraft D, Valenta R.