References/Publications for ELISA of Der p 23

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23460742 J Immunol. 2013 Apr 1;190(7):3059-67. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1202288. Epub 2013
Mar 4.

Identification of Der p 23, a peritrophin-like protein, as a new major
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen associated with the peritrophic matrix
of mite fecal pellets.

Weghofer M(1), Grote M, Resch Y, Casset A, Kneidinger M, Kopec J, Thomas WR,
Fernández-Caldas E, Kabesch M, Ferrara R, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Horak F,
Keller W, Valent P, Valenta R, Vrtala S.

Author information:
24733847 J Immunol. 2014 May 15;192(10):4867-75. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1400064. Epub
2014 Apr 14.

Conversion of Der p 23, a new major house dust mite allergen, into a
hypoallergenic vaccine.

Banerjee S(1), Weber M, Blatt K, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Valent P, Valenta R,
Vrtala S.

Author information:
26602749 Clin Exp Allergy. 2016 Feb;46(2):365-76. doi: 10.1111/cea.12680.

Serological, genomic and structural analyses of the major mite allergen Der p

Mueller GA(1), Randall TA(2), Glesner J(3), Pedersen LC(1), Perera L(1), Edwards
LL(1), DeRose EF(1), Chapman MD(3), London RE(1), Pomés A(3).

Author information:
26797104 Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2015;168(3):150-60. doi: 10.1159/000442176. Epub
2016 Jan 21.

The House Dust Mite Major Allergen Der p 23 Displays O-Glycan-Independent IgE
Reactivities but No Chitin-Binding Activity.

Soh WT(1), Le Mignon M, Suratannon N, Satitsuksanoa P, Chatchatee P,
Wongpiyaboron J, Vangveravong M, Rerkpattanapipat T, Sangasapaviliya A, Nony E,
Piboonpocanun S, Ruxrungtham K, Jacquet A; Mite Allergy Research Cohort (MARC)
Study Team.

Collaborators: Thantiworasit P, Pulsawat P, Daengsuwan T, Laisuan W, Tongdee M,
Dchapaphapeaktak N, Boonpiyathad T.

Author information:
31228873 Allergy. 2019 Dec;74(12):2461-2478. doi: 10.1111/all.13956. Epub 2019 Oct 3.

A hypoallergenic peptide mix containing T cell epitopes of the clinically
relevant house dust mite allergens.

Huang HJ(1), Curin M(1), Banerjee S(1), Chen KW(1), Garmatiuk T(1), Resch-Marat
Y(1), Carvalho-Queiroz C(2), Blatt K(3), Gafvelin G(2), Grönlund H(2), Valent
P(3), Campana R(1), Focke-Tejkl M(1), Valenta R(1)(4)(5), Vrtala S(1).

Author information:
32474401 Adv Med Sci. 2020 Sep;65(2):304-309. doi: 10.1016/j.advms.2020.05.003. Epub
2020 May 28.

Sensitization to major Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergens in house dust
mite allergic patients from North Eastern Poland developing rhinitis or asthma.

Kowal K(1), Pampuch A(2), Siergiejko G(3), Siergiejko Z(4), Swiebocka E(5),
Schlachter CR(6), Chruszcz M(6), Jacquet A(7).

Author information:
34427963 Clin Exp Allergy. 2021 Dec;51(12):1645-1647. doi: 10.1111/cea.14004. Epub 2021
Aug 28.

Environmental exposure of Der p 23 in household dust samples.

Martín-López L(1), López-Matas MA(1), Calzada D(1), Benjumeda-Maira A(2), Martín
E(2), García E(3), Carnés J(1).

Author information:
36511188 Insect Mol Biol. 2022 Dec 13. doi: 10.1111/imb.12822. Online ahead of print.

RNA viruses alter house dust mite physiology and allergen production with no
detected consequences for allergenicity.

Vidal-Quist JC(1), Declercq J(2)(3), Vanhee S(2)(3), Lambrecht BN(2)(3),
Gómez-Rial J(4), Vidal C(5), Aydogdu E(6)(7), Rombauts S(6)(7), Hernández-Crespo

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