References/Publications for ELISA of Ana o 1

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36331131 J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2022 Oct 18:0. doi: 10.18176/jiaci.0867. [Epub
ahead of print]

Co-sensitization to the three non-homologous major cashew allergens Ana o 1, Ana
o 2 and Ana o 3 is caused by IgE cross-reactivity.

Kabasser S(1), Radauer C(1), Eber E(2), Haber ME(2), Hieden K(2), Zieglmayer
P(3)(4), Kost LE(5), Sindher SB(5), Chinthrajah S(5), Geiselhart S(1),
Hoffmann-Sommergruber K(1), Nadeau KC(5), Breiteneder H(1), Bublin M(1).