Dengue Subtyper

How to cite DENGUE Subtyper server :

  • Kolekar P., Kale M., Kulkarni-Kale U., Alignment-free distance measure based on return time distribution for sequence analysis: Applications to clustering, molecular phylogeny and subtyping, Mol Phyl Evol, 2012, 65(2): 510-522. [PMID: 22820020]


  • Kolekar, Pandurang, Kale, Mohan, and Kulkarni-Kale, Urmila. Subtyping of Dengue Viruses using Return Time Distribution based Appproach. Available from Nature Precedings [] (2011)

  • Klungthong C, Putnak R, Mammen MP, Li T, Zhang C. Molecular genotyping of dengue viruses by phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of individual genes. J. Virol. Methods. 2008.154(1-2):175-181 [Publisher's Full Text]

  • Schreiber MJ, Holmes EC, Ong SH, Soh HSH, Liu W, Tanner L, Aw PPK, Tan HC, Ng LC, Leo YS, Low JGH, Ong A, Ooi EE, Vasudevan SG, Hibberd ML. Genomic Epidemiology of a Dengue Virus Epidemic in Urban Singapore. J Virol. 2009. JVI.02445-02408 [Abstract]

  • Huang CYH, Butrapet S, Pierro DJ, Chang G-JJ, Hunt AR, Bhamarapravati N, Gubler DJ, Kinney RM. Chimeric dengue type 2 (vaccine strain PDK-53)/Dengue type 1 virus as a potential candidate Dengue type 1 virus vaccine. J Virol. 2000. 74:3020-3028 [Publisher's Full text]

  • Vasilakis N, Holmes EC, Fokam EB, Faye O, Diallo M, Sall AA, Weaver SC. Evolutionary Processes among Sylvatic Dengue Type 2 Viruses.J Virol. 2007. 81(17):9591-9595. [Publisher's Full Text]

  • Villabona-Arenas CJn, Zanotto PMdA. Evolutionary history of Dengue virus type 4: Insights into genotype phylodynamics. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 2011.11(5):878-885. [Publisher's Full Text]

  • Kolekar P, Kale M, Kulkarni-Kale U: Alignment-free distance measure based on return time distribution for sequence analysis: Applications to clustering, molecular phylogeny and subtyping. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2012, 65(2): 510-522. [PMID: 22820020]

  • Kolekar, P., Hake, N., Kale, M., Kulkarni-Kale, U., WNV Typer: A server for genotyping of West Nile viruses using an alignment-free method based on a return time distribution, Journal of Virological Methods, 2014, 198:41-55. [PubMed: 24388930]

  • Kolekar, Pandurang, Kale, Mohan, and Kulkarni-Kale, Urmila. Subtyping of Dengue Viruses using Return Time Distribution based Appproach. Available from Nature Precedings (2011)

  • Kolekar P, Kale M, Kulkarni Kale U: Genotyping of Mumps viruses based on SH gene: Development of a server using alignment-free and alignment-based methods. Immunome Research, 2011, 7(3):1-7 [Publisher's full text]

  • Kolekar P, Kale M, Kulkarni-Kale U: `Inter-Arrival Time' Inspired Algorithm and its Application in Clustering and Molecular Phylogeny. American Institute of Physics Conf Proc. 2010, 1298(1):307-312. [Abstract]
