Dengue Subtyper performs the prediction of Dengue virus subtypes using complete genome sequence(s). Please enter complete genome sequence(s) in fasta format in text area or upload the text file and submit the form. (Sample input file in fasta format: Nucleotide)
The server will then compute return time distributions (RTDs) of genome sequence(s) at k = 5.
The distance(s) of input sequence(s) from reference sequences will be calculated using RTD-based Euclidean type distance function.
The result for the subtype (Serotype|Genotype) prediction for input sequence(s) will be displayed. (Sample output result )
Note: Sequences having low/no similarity with reference sequences and which do not meet RTD-based distance cut-off criteria will not be assigned to any serotype. In these cases, such notification will be displayed in the result.